[…] embracing the fun activities I have going on in Austin including attending Fashion Week! Another #30before30 goal I can check off my list ;) I’ll be heading to the Austin Derby this weekend with E & […]

Today marks the first day of my last year in my twenties! Cue the anxiety and goal setting. I’ve always been someone who loves my birthday but 29 just seems scary. I feel like I’ve got to do all these things this year to live up this last year before 30.
Now I don’t know about you, but I had envisioned many things for my life by the time I reached 30 years old. At one point I thought I would be a successful movie director in Hollywood (specifically music videos) or be a famous singer with a voice like Celine Dion. No seriously, 13 year old me thought these things would happen. But mostly I had dreams of being married in a house in the suburbs with a kid or two in tow, just like my parents. But I still feel like a kid myself! (My mom says that will never really go away though… #YOUNGANDFUN!) I still laugh at my “goals” that were merely dreams. You can’t really set goals for yourself that aren’t within your control, right? #butwecanpretendwesinglikecelinedion #especiallyinthecar
Remember that Friends episode when Phoebe celebrated her 30th birthday and then realized she was actually turning 31? And then she panicked because there were too many things she wanted to do before she turned 30 anyway? Gotta love Friends, right? One of her goals was to ride a hopping ball for a mile and to learn to ride a bike. Her simple, silly goals inspired me to make my own realistic, easy, achievable goals :) And I’ve done lots of neat things but I want to do a few more!
I’ll call it my 30 before 30…
Here We #Goals ….
Read 30 books in the next year* I read often but mostly during the summer or when I’m traveling… I think 30 is a reach but I’m going to try it!
Take a calligraphy class * my friend has turned her calligraphy hobby into a small business and while I don’t have a desire for another project, I do love crafting and writing. I would love to take a lettering class and write pretty notes to people :) Janna Doan, I’m looking at you…
Take a cooking class with E * How great of a date night would a cooking class be? I think he and I would have so much fun together…
Try a free week of yoga at Corepower * Alright so I’ve wanted to try yoga and I went to two classes by my old apartment and felt like it was nap time for the lazy I-kind-of-worked-out person (don’t judge me, please!) but I found out I went to a specific gentle yoga class and that’s not what all yoga classes are like! So it looks like I’ve got to go back and do it again!
Adventure somewhere, just E & Me * As you know, Eric and I love to travel. We have a lot of places we would love to see and we are working on planning some trips for 2017 :)
Dance at the Broken Spoke * It’s the honkiest tonkiest of places in Austin and I want to take my Luccheses for a dance :)
Make a new friend * I love the friends I have made in Austin and I hope to keep meeting people :) It really makes this place feel like home!
Do a closet clean out * I am generally good at purging, but my dear husband is not. Our closet(s) – yes, we have one that’s filling up in the guest room, are booming to the brim and there are so many things we just don’t need. Including nic nacs, and shoeboxes, and a thousand charging chords to devices we’re unsure of… I want to get rid of it all!
Boat Day* I’m telling you right here right now, that I better make it on Lake Austin in a boat this year… it’s too much fun!
Go See Esther Follie’s Comedy Show * I have been wanting to do this since we moved here but haven’t done it! I’ve seen it from the outside window and people are always roaring with laughter.
Chop off 4-5 inches of hair and try a new hairstyle * I’m totally afraid of doing this since I’ve been growing out my hair for a year, but they say change is a good thing, right? And I kind of want a fresh start…
Figure out how to make a YouTube video * This is a lofty goal but one I’ll make anyway…I think creating some video pieces would be really fun for my blog! First stop, figuring out how to take a video and edit it… what are your thoughts?
Take a few golf lessons * If I’m being honest, I asked for this for my birthday :) So hopefully it is a goal I can achieve! The weather in Austin is perfect for golfing right now and I’m having more fun each time I play.
Meditate for at least 10 minutes every day * I don’t know about you guys, but I find it hard to sit down and relax these days. I feel like I always need to be doing something. Cleaning. Writing. Organizing. Walking the dogs. Cooking. Working… I’m constantly anxious. I think it’s so important to find time to relax and put that phone away. Turn off that TV. And sit in silence with my own thoughts.
Get comped a free night at a hotel through the blog * This would be amazing… I made it a goal for my blog as well… Stay somewhere in exchange for a review. I can do it, yes I can!
Take another photography class * I could always use a refresher on some skills and I’d love to teach Eric how to use my camera so he can do some shoots for me!
Take a first walk through of a new house * This will make me feel more like an adult than ever… taking a sneak peak at a potential house we could buy even though we aren’t ready to buy anything. A walk through would get that check in the box for me. I just want to know what it’s like!
Save for a house * Because if we’re doing walk-throughs anyway, we better be saving!
Attend Austin Fashion Week * This. Is. A. MUST. And I will be doing this. And I can’t hardly wait.
Finally make that Shutterfly book from our Anniversary Trip in October… and make ones for our upcoming trips as well * C’mon Meg… you’re actually good at this. Get it DONE!
Throw a fun birthday bash for Eric’s 30th in June* He only turns 30 once…
Figure out the meaning of life * Okay totally kidding. But I would love to be better about attending church services more regularly and maybe getting touch with the Bible. I want to understand more about this sacred book that millions of intelligent, thoughtful people find so much meaning in. And I want to stop falling asleep during my prayers each night!
Clean out our drawers * Along with the closet clean out, our drawers have become cluttered with so many unnecessary things! I would love to get organized, buy file drawers if necessary, and get rid of all the random, i forgot-you-were-there, stuff.
Eat at Josephine House * Because it’s been on my bucket list for a long time now…
Eat at Jeffrey’s * Because I had a taste of their steak when Eric brought home leftovers from a work dinner and I haven’t tasted anything quite like it- delicious!
Detox for an entire month * I think taking a break from those fun liquid beverages and focusing on my health and fitness for one month would be a great way to refresh and recharge my body. I’m going to try the month of February! Let’s see how this goes… ;)
Karaoke Night * I missed last summer’s epic night out with friends and I’m still suffering the FOMO…
Go camping* We have had friends ask us to camp and I’d love to try it with E! We like the comfort of our own bed and AC at night, but sometimes you just have to do something different. And I’d love a night under the stars…
Unplug for a whole day * Sometimes what we need most is to be present!
And last but not least, by the time I turn 30, I hope I do something super fun to celebrate my birthday! Maybe a vacation… * Because I only turn 30 once as well ;)
2017 goals 30 before 30 goal inspiration goals things to do before you turn 30
I loved reading this! 30 Before 30 lists are so much fun, and I think it helps you to know a person really well by reading about the goals she wants to achieve!
Ok, a couple thoughts:
> Dance at Broken Spoke: yes yes yes! I need to get this one done, too!
> Free week at Corepower: I used mine last year and LOVED it! I haven’t gone back because I’ve been going to Yoga Yoga instead, but it was such a crazy good workout!!
> Go to Austin Fashion Week: so fun! Can’t wait to follow along on instagram while you’re there!
> Make a New Friend: 20’s are kind of weird for that, right? Like, we’re out of college, but new to the professional world, and bonds are just hard to form! But new friends are just so much fun!
Hope that your final year in your twenties is everything you want! Happy Birthday!!!